
Hello Conquerors!

June was officially National Cancer Survivor Month and the Cancer Conquerors were busy partnering with local business who reached out to us to get the word out about our activities and services available to survivors.

We kicked off the month with Kendra Scott Jewelry where their staff hosted an evening of Champagne Bubbles and Bling with plenty of food and fun to support our TCC programs.

Never ones to tire of shopping, two weeks later TCC members were out and about again. This time JGilbert and Bryn Walker graciously hosted our group for an exciting fashion fun sidewalk re-sale, complete with snacks and entertainment by the Russ Andalora Trio. Members of our Tucson community jumped in to help by donating wonderful items and enthusiastically spreading the word about our event.

A HUGE thank you to these wonderful sponsors, Heidi Goldman for chairing the sidewalk sale, and the many TCC friends and volunteers willing to share their time and positive energy insuring the success of these events. While raising funds for our programs is important, getting the word out about the free support TCC offers to empower survivors is invaluable!

Perhaps our most important activity this month was for our members to give back to the community by participating in the Beads of Courage workshop. Members returned the travel beads they had taken with them on adventures with cards to give to critically ill children. Working together during coffee café, they also created bracelets of strength and courage to donate. Thank you to Beads of Courage for all you do to bring healing and comfort to the children and their families facing some really tough challenges, and thank you to Ginny Spencer and Marlyne Freedman for organizing this event.

July 1st marks the beginning of our new fiscal year and the rotation of members of our board. We welcome Mary Specio-Boyer as Executive Director, Liz Almli as President, and Debbie Davis as Treasurer. Join us August 27th for our Year-in-Review to learn everything you ever wanted to know about TCC and more.  Please know that your board is here to serve you and is always appreciative of your ideas and feedback!

Until next month, stay cool!

The Tucson Cancer Conquerors Board


Upcoming TCC Events

NEW! Click on any event title to go to the TCC Calendar listing for more information. 

If you have not been receiving EVITES sent for some events, and if you want to receive them, please send your preferred email address to info@tucsoncancerconquerors.org.

July Events

• July 5, Tuesday, 6:30 PM, Brandi Fenton Park Visitor's Center: Monthly Birthday Dinner - This month's birthday will be a celebration of our July birthdays and also a post Independence Day celebration! Dinner is a pizza and salad dinner furnished by TCC, as well as a birthday cake dessert of course! Please RSVP to the EVITE if you plan to attend.

• July 15th, Friday, 12:00 Noon, Sir Veza’s Taco Garage at the Tucson Mall: TCC Monthly Lunch - Come check out a new location and join us in the Low Rider Lounge at Sir Veza’s Taco Garage at the Tucson Mall, 220 West Wetmore Rd, for our monthly lunch and get-together. Watch for the EVITE and please RSVP if you plan to attend.

• July 23, Saturday, 7:00 AM, Special Event: Eegee's Field Trip - We'll have our regular GetFit class at 7:00 AM at Brandi Fenton Park. Then at 8:00 AM, instead of Coffee Café, we will head to the eegee's headquarters right here in Tucson. We'll get a behind the scenes tour and, of course, snacks and cool treats! We will also have the opportunity to thank the eegee’s folks in person for their amazing generosity to our organization. Please sign up at Coffee Café if you plan to attend.

Special Notes

• Mindful Meanderings will be on summer hiatus for the months of June and July.

• Second Sunday Hikes will be on summer hiatus for the months of June, July and August.

Next Month and Beyond...Save the dates!

• August 20, Saturday, 7:00 AM, Northwest YMCA, Special Event: Cardio Drumming Field Trip - Beat the heat and join us for some fitness fun that combines drumming, music, rhythm and movement. Beat away life’s stress with people who get it! Afterward we'll enjoy an offsite Coffee Café.

• August 27, Saturday 8:00am, TCC Year-In-Review - Join us for an open board meeting to review last year’s many fun committee activities and find out what adventures are yet to come. The board takes good stewardship of donor funds very seriously and  a full financial report will be presented to the membership.  The board will be sponsoring breakfast at this very special Coffee Café. Please join us!

• September 12, Monday, 5:30 PM, GetSocial Event: Back in Action Social Hour - Now that summer's over, let's get back in action by having a TCC Social Hour! $10 includes Food, Friends, and Fun! (Drinks are on you). This is a great time to bring a friend to a TCC event. Watch for more details.

• September 24, Saturday, 9:00 AM, Brandi Fenton Park: TCC Educational Event  - Following our GetFit exercise class at 8:00 AM, Dermatologist Scott Sheftel MD will join us at Coffee Café to share tips for healthy skin and show us how to protect ourselves from our beautiful, but intense, Tucson sun. Breakfast, goodie bags and raffles prizes – be there!

• December 2, Friday, 12:00 Noon, GetSocial Annual Holiday Party - Come join us to celebrate the holiday season and each other! We will share more details as they become available, but be sure to save the date.


TCC GetFit News

Yes it is hot out there. No you are not allowed to use it as an excuse to miss GetFit Class! Your fitness team has some fun and creative tricks planned for staying cool at the park this summer, but you can do your part by staying hydrated throughout the day and showing up!

Did you know when you wake every morning you are dehydrated? The first thing you should do each day is drink a big glass of water, then carry water with you to drink throughout the day. By the time you feel thirsty you are actually dehydrated, so be sure to stay ahead of the game!

GetFit class is focused on functional fitness - strength, flexibility, balance and endurance. Anyone at any fitness level can do this! Classes are held at Brandi Fenton Park Tuesday evenings at 5:30 PM and Saturday mornings at 7:00 AM.

Join us for the instructor led class or just take a walk with other members looking for a little less strenuous activity.

Fitness Tip: There are seven days in a week and "Someday" is not one of them!

Exercise Class Payments

The cost for a three month class session is $50 for one class per week, or $75 for two classes per week, and we appreciate payment in the first month of each quarter.

Great news! We can now process a credit or debit card payment at any TCC event with our Square! Please see Joanne Gouldin or Deb Heilig if like to take advantage of this option to pay for class with your credit or debit card. You can also use a credit or debit card to pay online through Paypal in the Members Area of our website, and of course you can still pay with cash or a check payment, (checks payable toTucson Cancer Conquerors). Check or cash payments can be given to either Annie O'Connor or Joanne Gouldin.


TCC Garden News

The monsoons have been a wonderful boost to our garden and we have tomatoes everywhere! As fast as we can stake them up they send off new branches loaded with these tasty morsels. Not only are they delicious right off the vine but they are loaded with Lycopene, a powerful antioxidant shown to have anticancer properties.

We're growing mostly cherry & pear tomatoes. They are the easiest tomatoes to grow here in the Southwest and the easiest to fix - simply rinse and put in a bowl and eat them like cherries! Or get the extra cancer-fighting punch that comes when you combine tomatoes with broccoli in this delicious recipe:

Roasted Broccoli with Cherry Tomatoes

With the hotter days we have moved our gardening times to earlier or later in the day.  If you're interested in helping out in the garden, please contact Dawn at 520-975-4839 or timdawnmesser@gmail.com.


TCC Coffee Café

Even if you don't come for exercise class, please join us at the TCC Coffee Café to share a snack, socialize and hear about all our upcoming activities! The Coffee Café happens after every Saturday morning right after exercise class at the Brandi Fenton Park Visitor's Center.

Please consider signing up to bring Coffee Café snacks one Saturday this year. You can always partner with another member to make it easier, and you can be sure we will appreciate whatever snacks you bring! Speak to Jenny Waters for more information.


TCC Resource Room

We invite you to come down the hall to the Resource Room on Saturdays during Coffee Café. After announcements, bring your coffee and snack, and settle into comfy furniture while you leaf through information about community resources, or consider a book to borrow from our lending library.

Our highlighted book of the month is “Wild Comfort: The Solace of Nature” by Kathleen Dean Moore.  “In an effort to make sense of the deaths in quick succession of several loved ones, the author turned to the comfort of the wild, making a series of solitary excursions into ancient forests, wild rivers, remote deserts, and windswept islands to learn what the environment could teach her in her time of pain. This book is the record of her experiences. It’s a stunning collection of carefully observed accounts of her life—tracking otters on the beach, cooking breakfast in the desert, canoeing in a snow squall, wading among migrating salmon in the dark—but it is also a profound meditation on the healing power of nature.” 


Other Important Information

TCC Merchandise - We will be placing an order to restock our TCC merchandise very soon. If you have a specific request, please let Jody Hayden or Linda Rupel know as soon as possible. We'll let you know when the new merchandise has arrived and is available for purchase.


TCC Amazon Smile Fundraising - Remember, when you shop through AmazonSmile with Tucson Cancer Conquerors as your charity of choice, TCC will receive a donation of 0.5% of everything you purchase. Just click here to go to AmazonSmile to log in or register.


TCC Gift DonationsYou can now celebrate special occasions by making a donation to Tucson Cancer Conquerors in the name of a friend or loved one! Your honoree will receive a personalized Tucson Cancer Conquerors acknowledgement card plus you will receive a receipt for tax purposes. If you prefer that your donation remains anonymous, please let us know. Visit the Make A Donation page on our website, or email Annie O'Connor if you have questions. 

Jim Click "Millions For Tucson" Annual Car Raffle - TCC has once again been invited to participate in this great event and we are asking members to join the Board in helping sell as many tickets as possible! This is a fun and easy way to help us raise money for our programs since TCC receives 100% of proceeds from all raffle tickets we sell. This year Mr. Click is giving away a 2016 Ford Mustang Shelby GT350 valued at $47,000!

The raffle tickets are one for $25 or five for $100 and you can pick up raffle tickets any Tuesday or Saturday during a scheduled GetFit class. You can also email info@tucsoncancerconquerors.org to have tickets mailed to you. 

We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to the following supporters for their donations last month

Alan Dankwerth
Bianca Yanez
Bryn Walker
Ginny Spencer
Kendra Scott Jewelry
Marlyne Freedman



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