Hello Conquerors!November is always a time of reflection to remember those we miss and to celebrate all that we are thankful for. Though no one is thankful for cancer, we are grateful that our life paths have crossed and that we are better and stronger for the encouragement and support that we give and receive from one another.
Related to that support, TCC would like to express our heartfelt thanks to Julee Gell LMSW, our featured speaker for our quarterly Educational Event - Compassion, Empathy and Understanding: Let’s Practice. This interactive seminar addressed the important TCC mission of providing peer support to one another. When someone is going through a life changing event we all want to help, we often just don’t know how. Thank you Julee for your compassion and expertise!
With the cooler fall weather, it was the perfect time for a Get Fit field trip. We exercised our way to Felicia’s Farm where our very own Master Gardener, Dawn Messer, took us on an educational tour of the gardens and livestock. We enjoyed Coffee Café al fresco while Chef Ken Harvey entertained us with a demonstration on how to make fresh, healthy carrot-ginger juice. Once again thank you Chef Ken for all you do to support our members.
We wrapped up November with our monthly luncheon at Mimi’s Café. If you have never joined us for lunch, please do! The third Friday of the month, we are always exploring someplace new so check out our interactive calendar on our TCC website to find out where we will be next! Remember, our Holiday Party this Friday is our December lunch, (see more details in the activity calendar below).
We look ahead to all the exciting things in store for the Tucson Cancer Conquerors in 2017. If you did not receive information on our new membership program please feel free to ask a board member or email info@tucsoncancerconquerors.org for an information packet. Information will also be available at our Holiday Luncheon this Friday.
From your TCC board we wish you all a safe, happy, and healthy holiday season! The Tucson Cancer Conquerors Board
TCC Get Social EventsCheck out all the great events we have coming up this month and beyond! Click on any event title to go to the TCC Calendar listing for even more information. NOTE: If you have not been receiving EVITES sent for some of these events, and if you want to receive them, please send your preferred email address to info@tucsoncancerconquerors.org.
• December 2nd, Friday, 11:30 AM, Get Social Annual Holiday Luncheon - This year we will be celebrating at Tucson Country Club at 2950 N Camino Principal with the festivities starting at 11:30 AM. Great food, fabulous friends, and a fun slide show of our years activities. Support us by picking up a DVD of the slideshow with a $10 donation to TCC.
IMPORTANT! In order to attend you must have RSVP'd and pre-paid.
The Tucson Country Club DOES NOT accept credit cards. If you would like to purchase beverages other than the coffee and tea provided you will need to bring cash.
• December 17th, Saturday, 8:00 AM, Brandi Fenton Park: Zumba Get Fit! - Join us for a special Get Fit class with Zumba instructor Lupe DeLeon. We first met Lupe while she was volunteering at the ACS Making Strides event leading a Zumba demonstration. Lupe is a single mother of 3 who is passionate about working with children and volunteering her time for charitable causes involving her community. She originally started Zumba with her mom as a way for them to spend time together. Confronted with some of life’s tough challenges, Lupe’s friends helped her through those hard times by raising money to help her get certified as a Zumba instructor. She says Zumba literally saved her life! Lupe is full of wonderful, positive energy – anyone can do this. Join Us. Afterward we'll enjoy a special Holiday Coffee Café sponsored by the TCC Board.
Important Note: Saturday, December 24th and December 31st - We will have our regularly scheduled Get Fit exercise class at 8:00, but the resource room will not be open for Coffee Café. After morning exercise, we encourage our walkers and those attending Get Fit class to get together for coffee and breakfast.
• January 3rd, 2017, Tuesday, 5:30 to 7:30 PM, Lucky Strike Bowling Alley: Birthday Party - Let’s start the New Year out with a Family Get Fit Bowling field trip and birthday dinner celebration at the Lucky Strike Bowling Alley on Speedway Boulevard just east of Alvernon! The cost will be $20.00 per person which includes the cost of bowling and shoes, PLUS pizza, salad, and birthday cake. If you just want to attend the dinner, the cost will be $10.00 per person.
We need to confirm our head count no later than December 30, 2016, so please sign up during any upcoming event or RSVP to the EVITE that will be sent soon. Payment in advance is greatly appreciated and can be made at any TCC event.
Important Note: There will be no class at the park Tuesday, January 3rd – bowling will be our workout!
• May 5 - 7, 2017, TCC Annual Retreat - Mark your calendars, the 2017 TCC Annual Retreat will be in Phoenix over Cinco de Mayo weekend! We will be staying at the Scottsdale Resort at McCormick Ranch!
The cost will be $475 for Members and $525 for Non-Members. Payments are made in installments, with the first installment due on January 15th, and this year you can pay with your debit or credit card online in the Members Area or with the Square at Coffee Café! As always, TCC can work with you regarding payments.
If you have any questions or concerns, please speak to Pam or Arlene, and please email Arlene at tobybk25@gmail.com for a Registration Form or download a copy on the Retreat page in the Members Area on the web site.
TCC Get Active NewsGet Fit classes are held at Brandi Fenton Park Tuesday evenings at 5:30 PM and Saturday mornings at 8:00 AM.
Get Fit ClassWhy are group workouts good for you? Studies have shown that having someone to exercise with positively impacts your mood, energy level, weight loss and overall health. According to a 2011 study published in the American Journal of Health Behavior , exercising with a friend decreases feelings of fatigue and increases energy. When compared with exercising alone, working out with a friend increases the intensity and duration of an exercise session, burning more calories. It’s much easier to bail on ourselves than it is on our friends. Friends hold us accountable, plus we miss you when you are not there! When you sign up, you show up! So grab a friend and sign up!
Don't wait until you've reached your goal to be proud of yourself. Be proud of every step you take toward reaching that goal. ~unknown Concerned about physical limitations? Anyone can do our Get Fit Classes. Liz, Carole, and Vianca will help you with safe modifications for all of our workouts. With the Holidays fast approaching (and all the good food that comes with them) it’s time to stop talking about exercise and actually join us!
Our walking group continues to grow! If you can walk, you can do it. You just need to take that first step and GET MOVING. We have something for everyone so bring a friend and join the walkers at 8:00 AM every Saturday! Get Fit class is focused on functional fitness - strength, flexibility, balance and endurance. Anyone at any fitness level can do this! TCC Get Fit classes are held at Brandi Fenton Park Tuesday evenings at 5:30 PM and Saturday mornings at 8:00 AM.
Get Fit Class Payments
Great news! Effective immediately, the quarterly $50 Get Fit fee will now cover 2 classes per week - we really want you to exercise!We can now process a credit or debit card payment at any TCC event with our Square! Please see Arlene Kutoroff, Joanne Gouldin or Deb Heilig to take advantage of this option to pay for class. You can also use a credit or debit card to pay online through Paypal in the Members Area of our website, and of course you can still pay with cash or a check payment, (checks payable to Tucson Cancer Conquerors). Check or cash payments can be given to Joanne Gouldin.
Organic GardeningResilience: The ability to bounce back. Our garden suffered a setback when the gate was left open one night and javelinas feasted on our plots, but like us, our garden is resilient! Before the javalina attack...
After the javalina attack...
Two and a half weeks later!
We have started harvesting radishes and some of our leafy greens- chard, collards, lettuce, mizuna and kale. In fact, we have three varieties of kale in our garden: curly blue, red russian, and lacinato! Why all the kale? Kale is high in protein, calcium, fiber, vitamin A, C, and K and contains glucosinolates which have been shown to have cancer-fighting properties.
If you find raw kale has too tough or bitter of a taste to put in your salads, click here to try this delicious recipe for Massaged Kale Salad. The massaging softens both the texture and taste of the kale. Whether you want to get your hands dirty, or you just want to smell the fresh farm air and watch us work, please come by and enjoy our beautiful garden plots. Our normal gardening hours are Tuesdays from 4:15 to 5:15 PM and Saturday mornings from 9:30 to 10:30 AM, but other times can also be arranged. For more information, please contact Dawn at 520-975-4839 or timdawnmesser@gmail.com.
TCC Get Support We invite you to come down the hall to the Resource Room on Saturdays during Coffee Café. After announcements, bring your coffee and snack, and settle into comfy furniture while you leaf through information about community resources, or consider a book to borrow from our lending library.
"Compassion is not an option. It's the key to our survival" ~ Karen Armstrong. For this holiday season our highlighted book is Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life by Karen Armstrong, a former Roman Catholic sister, renowned writer about comparative religion, and chronicler of her own spiritual journey. In this book, she outlines a program by which we can cultivate the compassion "natural to human beings...[and which] lies at the heart of all religious,ethical and spiritual traditions." The twelve steps move from learning "compassion for yourself" and "putting yourself in another's shoes," to enhancing "concern for everybody." Inspiring and practical, Armstrong shows what each of us can do to "make the world a more just, fair, safe, and peaceful place."
Saturday Coffee CaféEven if you don't come for exercise class, please join us at the TCC Coffee Café to share a snack, socialize and hear about all our upcoming activities! The Coffee Café happens after every Saturday morning right after exercise class at the Brandi Fenton Park Visitor's Center. Please consider signing up to bring Coffee Café snacks one Saturday this year. You can always partner with another member to make it easier, and you can be sure we will appreciate whatever snacks you bring! Speak to Jenny Waters for more information.
CureToday PartnershipTucson Cancer Conquerors is proud to be an Advocate Partner with CURE Magazine! You can now find information about TCC in the Advocates section of the CureToday website, as well as lots of great articles about new research, new treatments, and other Advocacy Partner content. Please be sure to check it out all the information at www.CureToday.com.
Caring BasketsWe always look for creative ways to offer support to our members who are encountering major life changes or challenges. TCC provides personalized items to these members to offer inspiration, nurturing, and support. We hope that this gesture will help members know how special they are to TCC and that we stand ready support them in any way we can during difficult times. If you know a member who could use a little extra TLC, please let us know. If you have any questions, click here to email Annie O’Connor.
Other Important Information
TCC Merchandise - Our new logo wear has arrived! Lots of styles and sizes. Stop by the resource room during any Tuesday Birthday Dinner and Saturday Coffee Cafe’ to get your gear.
TCC Amazon Smile Fundraising - Remember, when you shop through AmazonSmile with Tucson Cancer Conquerors as your charity of choice, TCC will receive a donation of 0.5% of everything you purchase. Just click here to go to AmazonSmile to log in or register.
TCC Gift Donations - You can now celebrate special occasions by making a donation to Tucson Cancer Conquerors in the name of a friend or loved one! Your honoree will receive a personalized Tucson Cancer Conquerors acknowledgement card plus you will receive a receipt for tax purposes. If you prefer that your donation remains anonymous, please let us know. Visit the Make A Donation page on our website, or email Pam Chess if you have questions.
We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to the following supporters for their donations last monthJoanne Gouldin | Annie O’Connor | Lupita Hi-O'Connell | Elizabeth Almli