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Hello Conquerors!

October was breast cancer awareness month and was action-packed for TCC! We started off the month with a Get Fit field trip to the Athleta store for a drumstick POUND class with Pam. The workout was full of fun and lots of laughs, plus Athleta generously provided gifts and shopping for the group. While the Get Fit class was burning calories for breakfast, the Loop Walkers did some serious window shopping, exploring the sights at La Encantada.
We all ended up together at the Brighton store for breakfast where Brighton featured TCC as the recipient of their Power of Pink Bracelet campaign. They also honored one of our members who is currently in treatment with a beautiful breast cancer bracelet. Thank you Athleta and Brighton for a wonderful morning and your generous support of the cancer community!
With the cooler temperatures of fall it’s time to plant our fall garden. TCC members walked from Brandi Fenton Park to Felicia’s Farm where they learned more about our garden and then pulled up old crops and planted new.
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As a reward for their efforts, Executive Chef Ken Harvey from Loews Ventana Canyon Resort and his crew prepared a cooking demo and breakfast. They arrived at sunrise to get a mesquite fire started and created fresh from the farm vegetarian chili and delicious cornbread. Chef’s demo was hands on, entertaining, and informative. Thank you Joe, Sean, and Chef Ken for setting your alarms and joining us bright and early to feed our hungry group!
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Every October, the American Cancer Society hosts their annual Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk. This year they graciously asked TCC to participate in the event program. TCC President Liz Almli spoke to the crowd on survivorship and the importance of research and then the TCC Fitness team lead a drumstick warm-up to POUND Cancer!
Playing with drumsticks was so much fun that we brought them to the finish line where we cheered and congratulated the walkers as they crossed the finish. It was a perfect day to celebrate survivorship and TCC was honored to participate in such a great cause.
There are a lot of moving parts to TCC and it takes a village of volunteers to make our programs happen. Another look behind the scenes this month with our featured board members: Debbie Davis and Deb Heilig.
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Debbie Davis was born and raised in Denver, Colorado. She moved to Tucson to attend the University of Arizona, graduating with a degree in Business Administration and Accounting.

Debbie is a Certified Public Accountant and has been a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for companies in both the profit and nonprofit arenas. She has served on multiple nonprofit boards that includes Catholic Community Services, Sunstone Cancer Support Centers and now is honored to bring her experience to serve as Treasurer for Tucson Cancer Conquerors.

As a two-time breast cancer survivor, Debbie was inspired by others who provided support, knowledge and inspiration. She feels that she has now moved from surviving to thriving and would like to help others along in their journey.
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Deb Heilig grew up in Michigan, graduating from Western Michigan University with a degree in Printing Management. She worked for a number of printing, publishing and advertising companies in New York before moving to Tucson in 1996. Recently Deb retired from her position as a business analyst for a major insurance company.

Deb was diagnosed in 2012 with appendiceal/colon cancer. While in treatment she learned how important physical activity is during cancer treatment, as well as the importance of having supportive, positive, understanding people to help navigate what can be an overwhelming journey.

Deb designed and maintains the Tucson Cancer Conquerors website and leads the TCC Second Sunday Hikes.
Thank you Deb and Debbie for your expertise and all your do for TCC!

Be sure to keep tabs on our Facebook page and check our website calendar for details so you can join us! Also please be sure to like our Facebook page!

The Tucson Cancer Conquerors Board of Directors

Fitness Update

Get Fit Class:
5:30 PM Tuesday | 8:00 AM Saturday
Get Started Class: 8:00 AM, the first and third Saturday of each month
Loop Walkers: 8:00 AM Saturday
At TCC we try to add variety to our workouts to keep things interesting and our minds and bodies active. A new trend in the fitness industry called POUND class utilizes the rhythmic movements of drumsticks to combine cardio, weight training, and balance exercises for a full body workout.
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Although the drumsticks are lightweight, they burn extra calories while helping to tone forearms, upper arms, chest, and shoulders. Expect to see more POUND workouts coming to TCC!

Click here to learn more about POUND workouts at the Summit Medical Group website.

Garden Update

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Out with the old and in with the new! TCC members did a great job of pulling up old crops and getting the garden ready for fall planting. With the help of Felicia's Farm we are planting our “Anti-Cancer Garden”, loaded with healthy greens and cruciferous vegetables.
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Cruciferous vegetables - things like broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts - are good sources of phytonutrients. These plant-based compounds may help lower inflammation and reduce the risk of developing cancer.

Click here to learn more about the health benefits of cruciferous vegetables at

This Month's Events

Click on any event below to learn more on the TCC Calendar, and please RSVP to EVITES so we know you are coming.
November 5, Tuesday, 6:30 PM, Brandi Fenton Park: Birthday Dinner - Please join us for a “Bring Your Favorite Appetizer” potluck. We will be set up in the courtyard serving
Mock-tails, so please dress for the cool evenings. Friends from Pima County will be joining us to celebrate!
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November 8, Friday, 8:00 AM, Tohono Chul Park: Mindful Meandering - This is a slow paced meditative walk. Email Dawn for more information.
November 10, Sunday, 8:00 AM: Second Sunday Hike: Join us this month as we explore trails in the Starr Pass area. Email Deb for more information.
November 15, Friday, 12:00 Noon: Monthly Luncheon - This month we'll be at Scordato's Pizzeria located at Stone and River.
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November 16, Saturday, 9:30 AM, Brandi Fenton Park: Book Groupies - Join us to discuss Say Nothing by Patrick Keefe.
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November 22, Friday, 8:00 AM, Sabino Canyon: Mindful Meandering - This is a slow to moderate paced meditative walk, covering 2 to 3 miles. Email Dawn for more information.

Next Month and Beyond

Be sure to save-the-date for these great upcoming events!
December 13, Friday, 12:00 Noon, Tucson Country Club: Holiday Luncheon & Birthday Celebration - Save the date! Details to follow soon.
December 15, Sunday, 1:30 PM, Loews Ventana Canyon Resort: Holiday High Tea - Tickets are sold out, but if you'd like to be placed on the cancellation wait list, please email

Thank you to our donors for their generous support!

Pam Chess | Cathy Patching | Karrie Cravens
Lisa Bowman | Holly Hutchison

2019 High Tea Donors
Dr Ann Jones
Bianchi's Italian Restaurant
First Watch
Bicycle Ranch Tucson
Double Tree Tempe
Giuseppe's Restaurant
Mister Car Wash
Nothing Bundt Cakes
Orange Theory
Tohono Chul Park
Check the TCC Online Calendar for our event and activity information!