Happy September - A Comment from our Board PresidentESCAPE 2015 – a Program of BAG IT This past week Liz and I had the fortunate experience to represent Tucson Cancer Conquerors (TCC) at ESCAPE 2015, the 5th Annual Cancer Advocacy Leadership Conference presented by BAG IT. This year, ESCAPE offered a unique small group opportunity to learn about collaborations, public policy and wellness. These things are closely aligned with the mission of TCC, as you are all aware. It was educational and emotional. We met people from all over the nation working to improve, and bring recognition to all forms of cancer, the need for continued research, legislative leadership and survivorship and self-care. The wonderful contribution of TCC’s members in bringing assistance to those in our community through the varied programming was recognized and valued. We are TCC, each of us, and every time we reach out, join up or receive support, we bring a chance for healing to ourselves and others. It is an honor for me to be a part of this group, and promote healthy survivorship with you. We look forward to sharing and using what we learned to continue our work in building community, and we are looking forward to joining Sherri Romanoski and BAG IT in exploring new ways to collaborate with other groups, educate on public policy and spread a message of wellness and healing. We enthusiastically thank Sherri, and her team in making this very special experience a part of our Tucson Cancer Conqueror journey. In gratitude, Mary
Upcoming TCC EventsPlease be sure to put these events on your calendar and check the Calendar on our website frequently for updates.
• September 1st, Tuesday, 6:30 PM, Brandi Fenton Park: Monthly Birthday Dinner - Join us after the 5:30 exercise class for pizza, salad and of course birthday cake dinner for $5. Watch for the EVITE and please RSVP if you plan to attend.
• September 12th, Saturday morning, Brandi Fenton Park: Special Educational Event - The fitness team will host an interactive educational event to help you establish a fitness baseline and set personal goals for improved balance, flexibility, strength, and health! Lending their expertise will be our special guests Jon Davison PT, from ProActive Physical Therapy, and Pandora Larsen CPT, Group Wellness Coordinator for the Northwest YMCA. Exercise class will still start promptly at 7:00 AM so we can wrap up a bit early. Those who are not coming to exercise need to arrive by 7:30 AM. The program will start promptly at 8:00 AM and participants will be able to enjoy Coffee Café snacks between activity testing sessions.
With your fourth quarter exercise class fee, you will receive a personalized TCC workout bag, fitness journal and pedometer to help you achieve your goals. For those of you who do not plan to participate in exercise classes but are attending the workshop and would like the workout bag, pedometer and journal, you can pay $50 to cover the cost of these materials. If you are interested in attending this event and have not already signed up, please click here to email Liz Almli ASAP.
• September 18th, Friday, 12:00 Noon – 2:00 PM, Monthly Get-Together Luncheon: Loews Ventana Canyon Resort - Executive Chef Ken Harvey and his culinary team will be preparing a scrumptious gourmet lunch at the resort to include a dessert cooking DEMO and tour of the kitchen. Price is $15 all inclusive and please RSVP to the EVITE if you plan to attend. You won't want to miss this!
• September 19th, Saturday, 7:00 AM: Farm to Table Event - Walk with us from Brandi Fenton Park as we exercise our way to Felicia’s Farm. Chef Ken will be there to provide a fun cooking demonstration and prepare a fresh breakfast for the Cancer Conquerors using some produce from our very own TCC Garden.
• September 20th, Sunday, 12:00 to 3:00 PM, Loew's Ventana Canyon: NOCC Tucson Chapter Annual Teal High Tea - The TCC Board will be hosting an informational table and attending the tea. If you would like to join us, click here to purchase a ticket online at the NOCC website and in the note section of the online order form, ask to be seated at the Tucson Cancer Conquerors table.
• October 26th, Monday, 5:30 PM, Radiology Ltd, 677 North Wilmot Road: Special Educational Event - Radiology Ltd has generously partnered with TCC to sponsor a social hour and to present an educational event on 3D Mammography.
• December 4th, Friday, 12:00 Noon, La Paloma Country Club: TCC Annual Holiday Luncheon - More details to come, but be sure to save the date.
• April 15th - 17th, 2016, Friday through Sunday: TCC Annual Retreat - We will be going to Laughlin, Nevada! More details to come, but be sure to save the date.
TCC Exercise Class NewsExercises classes are currently held at Brandi Fenton Park Tuesdays evenings at 5:30 PM and Saturday mornings at 7:00 AM. However, starting Saturday October 3rd, it will be cool enough to move the Saturday class to 8:00 AM - then there will really be no excuses! Exercise Class PaymentsFor those participating in exercise class, payment is now due for October through December classes. The cost is still just $50 for one class per week for the quarter, or $75 for two classes per week. You can now pay for your classes online with Paypal in the Members Area of our website. Of course, you can also pay with cash or a check payable to Tucson Cancer Conquerors, either of which can be given to Annie O'Connor or Joanne Gouldin. Please click here to email Annie or click here to email Joanne if you have any payment related questions.
TCC Coffee CaféEven if you don't come for exercise class, please join us at the TCC Coffee Café to share a snack, socialize and hear about all our upcoming activities! The TCC Coffee Café happens after every Saturday morning right after exercise class at Brandi Fenton Park. TCC Resource RoomThe TCC Resource Room at Brandi Fenton Park is now fully stocked with books and other items for your use. It's open during our regularly scheduled Tuesday and Saturday exercise classes, and during the Saturday Coffee Café. Come check it out and also check out the online resources on the Get Support page of our website.
TCC Garden NewsThings are pretty quiet at the garden right now, but soon we will be planting our fall garden. Mid to late September is the perfect time in Tucson to plant leafy greens, root vegetables, and cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage. Did you know that cruciferous vegetables have anti-cancer properties? More exciting news! For our fall garden, Sofia the farm manager has graciously provided us with two raised beds! Raised beds make planting, weeding, and harvesting much easier on the knees and backs! Also, remember, you are always welcome to go to the farm Monday through Friday from 6:00 AM to 2:00 PM when Sofia is there. The rains brought plenty of weeds and she will gladly show you how you can help out. Please click here to email Master Gardener Dawn if you would like to help with the TCC Garden.
TCC Mindful Meanderings NewsThere will be two Mindful Meandering walks in September: September 2nd, 8:00 AM at Tohono Chul Park September 16th, 7:00 AM at Sabino Canyon Please click here to email Dawn for more information about TCC Mindful Meanderings. Mindful Quote of the Month Count the garden by the flowers, never by the leaves that fall. Count your life with smiles and not the tears that roll. – Author Unknown
Other Important Information
TCC MERCHANDISE - TCC merchandise is available for purchase at Brandi Fenton Park after any Tuesday evening or Saturday morning exercise class, or during any Saturday Coffee Café. Please see Annie O'Connor or Joanne Gouldin if would like to purchase an item:
• Tank Tops for $15.00
• Long Sleeve Tee Shirts, (both scoop neck and V-neck), for $22.00
• Hooded Sweatshirts, (size M only), for $36.00.
• Baseball Caps for $12.00, (a cap is included in the exercise class fee or retreat fee)
TCC AMAZONSMILE FUNDRAISING - Whether you shop a little or a lot on Amazon.com, please consider shopping through AmazonSmile with Tucson Cancer Conquerors as your charity of choice! Once you're registered, anytime you shop on Amazon, TCC will receive a donation of 0.5% of everything you purchase. Just go to AmazonSmile, log in or register, then select Tucson Cancer Conquerors as your charity. And pass this information along to your family and friends so they can register too!
TCC GIFT DONATIONS - We now have a way to help you celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, memorials or other special occasions! You can make a donation to Tucson Cancer Conquerors in the name of a friend or loved one, and that person will receive a personalized Tucson Cancer Conquerors acknowledgement card letting them know a generous donation was made in their name. Plus you will receive a receipt for tax purposes. Please visit the Make A Donation page on our website, or click here to email Annie O'Connor if you have questions.